Time To Talk Day
Today is ‘Time to Talk’ day and to show our support we are giving you some helpful advice on how...
Goal Setting – The Brain’s Reward System
At the start of the month, we set you a challenge – to start building a new habit – creating...
What is OCD? OCD stands for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, which is a type of anxiety disorder, causing the person to...
World Thank You Day – Kindness
When we think of neuroscience, we often think of complex concepts and studies that are difficult to understand. But at...
Healthy Habits – Top Tips For Success
Firstly, Happy New Year! It’s here – 2022. The Christmas holidays are a time to enjoy ourselves and our loved...
New Habit – New Neural Pathways
Christmas Cheer is a winter supplier of serotonin and dopamine – creating feel-good chemicals in our brain and body. So...
All is calm, all is bright….
Can you believe it’s nearly here? 3 more sleeps! Who is the most excited person in your house – you...
Promoting Togetherness This Christmas
We may not live-in tribes anymore, but in many ways, we’re not all that different from our caveman ancestors (as...
Donkeys, shepherds and shining stars – building confidence
It’s panto season and along with pantomimes, we have carol concerts and nativity plays. As we work with children leading...